Thank you for investing in you.
It’s time for a change.
You’ve been afraid of everything for a long time and you’re tired of it. You help others so much that you never have any time for yourself.
Now it’s time to put you first. Contact me, and let’s start building a life that you want to live on your terms.
Book a free 20-minute consultation to make the change of a lifetime.
Hi, my name is
Rene Ng.
I don’t just see counselling as a job but as my purpose in life to help others live anxiety free and thriving lives. Through my own counselling journey, I’ve learned how to live with confidence, meaning, and purpose. As a counsellor, it’s my purpose to facilitate others on how to do the same. Let me help you find confidence, meaning, and purpose in YOUR life.
For a free 20 minute consultation press this button.
Try a free 20 minute consultation.
No commitment, pressure, or obligation.